the relentless heat.
It just seems to have been escalating for some time. Who'd o' thunk the year would have turned as it did?
This heat, 30? 40? days now? The record is 50 100 degree days in 1983. We're likely to break it still being in July. Bambi is doing pretty fine with the amount of pasture to eat on now, but I'm hearing cattle will need to be fed EARLY this year, and that's IF they can find a grower that hasn't been hit by the drought with no hay to sell!
Walking out to the ponds this evening I didn't see Bambi tonight. The fences are good so I'm sure she's fine. She's been out to say hi close to the house then off she goes as usual. People are saying the heat is cooking the grass at an enormous rate so she's probably foraging quite nicely. Grasshoppers are CRAZY this year!!! Luckily they've stayed clear of the garden but the flowers are fair game. If the grasshoppers could only be trained to mow the lawn.. :)
The pond has such a layer of green over it, not moss but that layer of tiny leaves that float on the water. But the SMELL of the grass was so sweet and fragrant this evening... I didn't walk far but it was far enough to inhale the heat of summer permeating off the native plants baking..no, sauteing in the humidity.
We found the feathers of the hen that I had to let loose because she was so henpecked on her scalp (chickens just do that when they decide a pecking order). I didn't have the heart to put her down so just had to let her go loose and probably a coyote got her. I've been told to watch for coyotes..
And then there is Barron.
That baby doll of a dog that thought Daisy was a Goddess, following and worshiping her every move... was hit by a car this week. Amber, Camaron, me and Daisy and the rest are very devastated. Daisy went everywhere with him. She is so sad after losing her best friend. They were the most odd couple and since he is gone she has been so depressed...
On a HAPPIER note!!
Amber and Camaron got married!!! They drove all the way to Lake Tahoe and got married at the chapel that me and my ex got married at, my mom and Earl got married at, AND her Aunt Rita and Jay got married at! It was a whirlwind vacation and the reception out here is coming. :) Woot Woot!!