Bambi is still off visiting her new friends. Joe said he'd load her up and bring her home next month when he rotates his own cows out to greener pastures. By then we'll have a baby calf on the way to look forward to and maybe Bambi will have had a good long visit with other cows. It's a good thing for her, being alone for so long with only a dog for company can't be healthy. I do miss my baby though.
And I will get to see my other baby one week from today! Yay! I'll be flying to Chicago and seeing Cassie graduate from Navy boot camp! It will be very exciting and so good to see her again. Her letters are sounding lighter and she seems much happier as the day draws near. Besides, from there she's off to Florida for schooling in Aviation Avionics. Hopefully it will be a good direction for future jobs but the being away from home part will be hard. For now I'm just looking forward to seeing her.
Amber and I are doing fine. She keeps things up and helps me so much. With working so much it's nice to have her help me tie up loose ends that I miss. She's always there to remind of things that need to be done and usually knows the best way to go about it. I'm so glad she moved back home.
Randall's been fairly quiet. I'm going with the "no news is good news" theory. At least he's not overseas. He and his wife are heading to my moms for Thanksgiving and I'm sure she'll take plenty of pictures.
Well, enough being lazy. Think I'll get out for a walk now that it's warmed up. Maybe even go see the cow...
Have a great day!

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