Darla and Daisy play like best friends since I have custody of Daisy until Cassie comes home. Jason and Kirk are moved out now that the wedding's off. There seems to be a lingering electric bill that got the power turned off next door though. Since it's tied to my water well, that leaves me with power at my house, but no water and no electricity next door. Jason promised to get that taken care of tomorrow.
Amber and Camaron are fixing the place up and should be all moved in by the time Cassie gets home from "A school" from the Navy Reserve training she's been doing. It will be so nice to have them all close by again! Cassie is so ready to get home and Amber and Camaron are ready to get on with things now that he's graduating from pharmacy school. Heather (Cassies friend that she met in boot camp that decided to be stationed close to Cassie here in Oklahoma) has been coming over to visit me. It's been very nice to have the company and she's a doll! And Friday is my birthday so we are having a nice barbeque on Thursday since it's my day off... Yay!
Feeling so much better these days after the pneumonia and work is all back to normal. Crazy people are out in full force with the full moon at work so things are settling back to some normalcy. If there really is an actual "normalcy."
At least Amber has decided to make a garden work and there's more pictures of that on the way. A garden this big with someone else that has the drive to follow through will help so much. It's always nice to have fresh veggies but when you're doing all the work and everyone wants a share of the bounty...well that wears on you. And we have eggs...and a calf on the way (though that is going to be a hard decision to decide whether to butcher the calf or keep it. I'll be thinking on that one...)
Hope ya'll have a fantastic day!

The power got turned back on and Jason paid the old electric bill! Yay!!