The days have most definitely changed to predominantly Spring like weather, with more days than not being warmer, brighter and sunnier than most.
There's a hopefulness in the air, long dormant after the stifling relentless cold of winter. Waking up after the hibernation of the soul is refreshing. It seemed slow and subtle then all of a sudden you realize the new beginnings have arrived while you've been sleeping, creeping up on you while you were busy dreaming. Like it or not the world seemed to change during the dormancy.
New life seemed to spring up out of nowhere. Kittens born, birds migrated, flowers bloomed all while you were sleeping, wrapped up in your own little world. Chickens begin laying eggs now that it's warm enough, grass and plants grow like they've saved all their energy throughout the winter just to let loose at this moment to overwhelm a person in the healing color of green and every color the first flowers can put forth. And all with no struggle at all, their energy bursting through just to cheer you on! There's no need to give up when nature has this recharging system of boosting your life back to living..again.
It's refreshing to know the built in anti-depressants of nature are working on cue..just for you. As if you are the only spectator in this grand display, and they produce it willingly, eagerly only to coax you out of your shell to let you know that, yes, life goes on and it's more brilliant than the year before.
Yes...this will be a wonderful year. It always is but it's easy to forget with the stagnancy of sitting out the long winter, holed up...waiting for better things.
Better things are there if only the eyes and senses open up to the slap in the face nature brings this time of year. They're like saying, "Hellloooo!!!! It's been awesome all along! Where have you been?!"
Today at lunch I saw an eagle flying so high it was almost lost in the clouds. The breeze was enough down below but it soared higher than that, on a level of atmosphere that it was more comfortable with, and quite masterfully I might add. It was a beautiful sight and the thought of what it was thinking about the view so far below was a very thought provoking experience. It must've felt quite a separateness from the world but at the same time a oneness. Distance is superficial when one is an eagle. It's all a matter of tilting the wings a certain way and there it would be to meet up with the world below, if it so chose.
It was a warm day today and then it rained this evening, leaving a foggy mist floating off of the pavement. Fireworks were going off at the University because of a big track meet in Shawnee. No shooting stars but I looked, of course.
The kids are settling into their new home next door, Cassie will be coming home soon. Randall is in a new beginning time and we have yet to see when he comes back home.
Sharon, the momma kitty has move her kittens to the tractor shed, keeping them safer in her mind at least. Bambi moo's at the fence when she see's me, calling for some attention. She's got plenty of pasture to graze on but I imagine the loneliness of having it all to herself can be a bit lonely at times. We do what we can for her.
Tomorrow is another day at work then off Monday and Tuesday. I'm feeling amazingly better now, and after another birthday to reflect on where I'm at at this moment in life am feeling the refreshing renewal of spring giving me strength to keep moving. The garden promises new growth as well as accepting change and dealing with it all.
It might take a little nurturing at times though.
Baby steps...
to get to the big girl steps...
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