Cassie is back home next door living with Amber and Camaron. Cassie made it out of Pensecola, Florida just in time to keep a memory of pristine white sandy beaches, but with a faint smell of oil. I believe the oil clumps started landing a few days after she left.
Camaron graduated from pharmacy school as a doctor and should start working at the Indian clinic towards the end of the month. They are keeping the garden well taken care of and enjoying a little vacation for now. And Randall is still doing fine in the army. He just got his tattoo touched up (it needed something..) and he got another one but hasn't told me about it. I'll pretend to be surprised :)
Anyway, back to the point. Cassie had been away for quite some time thus most likely spent a lot of time thinking about home. After she had been here a week or so she came over with a bouquet of flowers and asked if I wanted to go with her to see Raymonds' grave. (Raymond is Randy's grandpa who was up in years and alone out in Oklahoma. When his health got bad we moved out here from California 10 years ago.)
It had been at least a couple of years since I had been to see it so we went. I'm not sure why it took this long. It's not like the drive is long, it just was one of those things that kept getting put off.
Cassie had thought about him a lot, knowing how proud Raymond would be of her joining the navy. All the kids would make him proud! She just wanted to see him and talk to him in her own way.
I did too. I have done a lot of whining over the years of being in a predicament of being out here without my family, especially after the divorce. But as the years go by it is turned to a half-hearted-semi-complaining. How in the world would my life be and the lives of my kids had we not made the move to come out here for Raymond? I love living in the country, having a spoiled cow, knowing my kids turned out so well and secure in their lives. And the chance to meet the people I have (especially recently) . Who knows how different life would be? I'm really done with whining about things. :)
What Cassie said to Raymond is her business, I didn't ask. What I told Raymond was thank you. A genuine heart felt thank you. And I think he smiled.

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