Monday I dropped off my youngest daughter Cassie at the recruiter's office. She went from there to a hotel in Oklahoma City to be officially sworn into the Navy, stay the night, then fly to Illinois for boot camp.
Goodbyes were said quickly with hugs, but she said I broke the rules by crying. Through tears I informed her as the mom I completely have the right. As well as the right to take pictures in the parking lot, whether the recruiter was looking on through the office doors or not. A mom has the right to hold onto every tangible memory possible, no matter what means it takes. (She even came back and gave me a few extra, unplanned, but necessary.)
She was tough. She wanted it to be that way. Keeping her composure knowing it's going to be hard but proving from the start how tough she can be. Just one more hug and kiss and off I went leaving her to be on her way. A short text the next day...she was in Chicago waiting for a bus. (I texted back for her not to talk to strangers) A five second phone call a few hours later, her things were getting packed up to be shipped back home, including the cell phone, she'd give an address to write as soon as she could, an I love you and a goodbye.
She's always been a headstrong one. Just like my ex-mother-inlaw. We called her "Little Rosie" since she was old enough to let that feisty temper show through (which was VERY early on!) She spent the weekend at my mom's house one time when she was very little. Something was said, Cassie didn't get her way so with her bags packed she stomped to the end of the driveway to wait for mom and dad to come pick her up. My mom said she stayed there for a couple of hours until she finally coaxed her back into the house.
I really pity the drill sargent that pisses her off. She just might be one of the more stubborn soldiers they've ever had! But then again, that would give her the drive to succeed and keep going. After boot camp is the schooling for "Aviation Avionics" that she chose after scoring a 90 out of 100 on the Azvab test. Women recruitments are low, let alone smart ones. That's when she gets to go to Florida. Imagine, turning 21 and being in Florida during Spring Break? She's going to have an awesome time once that hard crap is done.
And I think she'll be absolutely bad ass! It's just a few days past her leaving but she's going to be just fine. Better in the long run for sure!
And her mom is going to make out just fine too...

She looks so young!!..tough one having to 'let go' of a child..even when that child becomes an adult, it doesn't stop the worrying or the protective instinct from being ever present...but aye! She sounds like she's got the ability, strength and determination to make a good job of it in her chosen career...gawn yirsel, Cassie!! ( ie. an encouraging phrase for 'best of luck', we're routing for you! ) :)
ReplyDeleteps thanks for the comment on my blog, I loved 360 too, but I do like Blogger, though like you I'm still trying to get used to all the bits n' bobs of it all...
...I love a good ghost story!!...some folks say that ghosts are always around, just that some are more susceptible to seeing them than personal experiences have been more of the kind where I've 'felt a presence' rather than actually seeing any ghosts, but ( this will spook ye!) dad said he regularly sees people at the bottom of his bed, though isn't spooked by them at all.( dad is of sound mind, b.t.w. and is still looking for a logical explanation for it )!!
Good luck once again to Cassie and best wishes for you and the rest of the family.