Sunday, March 28, 2010

Days of Yesteryear

This has been a tiring week. Came down with pneumonia so my time has been spent doing a LOT of laying around. I'll worry about the financial consequences of missing so much work later. Rest is really the only way to get over it. That and a nice homemade chicken soup simmering with overdose amounts of garlic and every vegetable imaginable. And I even bought orange juice. (Not for the soup)

Certainly not crazy about the doctors' lecture about not smoking but am putting out a good effort on my part about that since I know how right he is. about the most I remember of the conversation, though :)~

Enough about me.. this picture was brought to mind after laying around, watching old tv shows forgotten about but the episodes are so familiar! Wondering if the last time I saw them was from one of the many days staying home from school from being sick. Quite the dejevu moment here and there! brought to mind a memory of a little old lady I used to clean house for. She was quite the character and lived alone. I cleaned house for her and she never minded a bit when one of the kids had to come with me (usually from staying home from school sick). She really enjoyed the company and eventually she opened up story after story of her past that one would never know by looking at her.

She had been engaged to a leader of a band, this being the "big band era," and the nightclub he played at was a very popular club in San Francisco that many stars from Hollywood would escape to on the weekends. She was quite the "hottie" back then and by her pictures fit in very well on the scene. While her fiance played, she would dine in the kitchen with Jimmy Durante, Phyllis Diller, and regularly hung out with Lucille Ball and Dezi Arnaz. She rattled off so many names that sounded familiar, though I can't remember the rest, it was a hot spot to be during the height of that era. Her eyes would light up as she talked about that time in her life, but still in a nonchallant kind of way like it was nothing at the time.

The band leader later became abusive. One night he came after her drunk and escaping up a flight of stairs she fought him off with the only weapon she had, her high heel shoe! Now heels in those days were pretty wicked and she used her good sense to resort to the only thing she had on hand. Very quick and smart thinking on her part! But that was only a small part in her stories, they weren't all bad and most were looked back in fondness.

She was a wonderful little lady and I always wondered what happened to her. So many like her out there ready to tell a story..if only someone would ask. Black and white photos are so fascinating to me, people...places..whatever. It's up to the viewer to fill in the color with their own imaginations, versions of interpretation, whether colored by an interpretor or your own imaginations.

Well, that's my thoughts for the day. I have some old Alfred Hitchcock movies and Twilight Zone episodes I haven't seen in a while. First...finish up that soup..then back on the couch.

Have a great day!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Being a Tough Girl

Well this weekend was absolutely wonderful!

My one weekend a month started out getting a pay raise that I wasn't expecting. Woo Hoo! But the list in my head of things to do didn't completely get accomplished but good things were completed none the less.

Cassie's best friend, Heather, whom she met in boot camp and went on to join her in Florida for schooling, was stationed in Oklahoma City at Tinker AFB. She turned down a chance at being stationed in Hawaii to be near Cassie. So the least I could do was go pick her up and show her a better side of Oklahoma before she wondered "What was I thinking?"

She's a sweet girl, we had lunch, went shopping, then off to my house to meet Bambi and go walk in the woods. She seemed to really like it and LOVED Bambi (how could she not?) then Amber and Camaron came later to pick her up and take her to his house to hang out and enjoy the hot tub, etc...

They'll be taking her back this evening on their way back to his job and place nearby for the next workweek.

Meanwhile....back at the ranch... :)~

Back to my original subject.. being a tough girl. I'm always bragging about my kids...ALL of them... I wish I would have done HALF the things my kids have done but, no, I've opted to stand back and be the supportive one.

It was a big wake up call when my son went off to the Army. I was not going to have a "man around the house" anymore. Okay, fine...the shock and realization that I was really on my own really hit home then. That was dealt with and going to see him with the girls on that fantastic road trip was like a revelation that, "Oh yeah, us girls will do just fine!"

"Chicks Rule!" is what the little magnet on the refrigerator says..

Amber has already proven herself, going off to a university and earning her degree in business. Her carrying Randy and me through the hard time years of divorce was something I will never forget. I'm so glad she's back at home, being the strong one like she's been since she showed signs of being the "other mother" as a toddler.

Seeing how strong my kids can be... and so proud of the fact that I had a hand in them turning out so well...

I wonder, sometimes... how the hell I came to be such a not so tough girl?

The things they've done, the amazingly strong people they've come across and learned from... (and at times, the people they've learned NOT to attach themselves to.) Then, in their strength, learned to grow from that experience...

My kids, all three of them, have turned out to be the most respected and admired individuals in my lifetime that I can possibly revere. I cannot possibly attain the accomplishments my kids have achieved.

I might try to portray a "tough girl" image at times, but in my heart I know I'm no where near being what my kids have become. That's really good enough for me though.

But sometimes... I don't feel like such a tough girl...

A nice hug from Bambi sure makes me feel good though....

And knowing the kids are all set in the place they need to be at the moment is a good feeling..


Monday, March 1, 2010

Glorious Sunshine!

The last couple of days have been nice enough after work to get out and actually enjoy the weather. Darla and Bambi were excited to get out walking again too. Darla still thinks of herself as the mom that needs to groom Bambi, or she was giving her a big kiss, I'm not sure which.

Work has been too hectic and busy lately so after getting home I grabbed a fishing pole and headed for one of the ponds, immediately followed by a prancing and bucking cow, Darla and a herd of puppies bravely trying to tag along. Most of the puppies retreated before getting that far though.

Bambi was playfully tossing her head, running around me like a little puppy then lovingly leaned against me for a good scratching and hugs. I love having such a tame cow! As we walk she'll nudge me from behind trying to hurry me up. She wouldn't leave the fishing chair alone and after knocking it over several times scratching her head on it, I gave up trying to keep my beer in the cup holder.

She followed me all along the banks as cast after cast only came up with moss on the lure. The water was completely still except for my half attempts at fishing so this just wasn't a day they were biting. I was just content enjoying a sunny, almost warm winter day for a change. And the company of course. The hawks that have been hanging out were keeping their distance. Cardinals are getting thicker as spring approaches though they haven't found the new bird feeder. Though it seems to be Sharon's favorite place to sit.

Wild onions are coming up all around and the grass is trying to in between snowstorms. Hopefully spring will be here soon. The drawback is that is the busiest time at work but that's okay. Makes the days go by faster. Speaking of work, time to get to it again. Amber just got here and will spend the week with me. It will be nice. Randall is back to trying to get divorce proceedings going with his wife. He's finally figuring out she likes the freedom to play around and having someone to take care of her at the same time. Cassie has been quiet since she's started classes in Florida but she'll be home soon. By then the boys next door will be out and hopefully Amber, Camaron can share the place with Cassie. It will be good to have the kids close again. It's been awfully quiet here lately.

Well, hope everyone has a good day!